Journal of Environmental Information Science (JEIS)

The Journal of Environmental Information Science is an English journal devoted to the publication of original research papers, general reviews, technical reports, etc., covering all aspects of environmental information science.

Now is the paper submission for the Journal, Vol.2023,No.1 will be open as indicated below. For more information, please visit our website. We welcome your submissions.

JEIS, Vol.2023, No.1 Instructions for Authors

1. Contents of Contribution:

The Journal publishes the following types of papers: (i) Original article, (ii) Short communication, (iii) Review article, (iv) Technical report.

2. Contribution Requirement:

The author listed first is restricted to individual members or supporting members in good standing with this Center.

3. Publication of papers:

Accepted papers will be online published in “Journal of Environmental Information Science, Vol.2023, No.1” , which is scheduled to appear through J-STAGE web site.

4. Pages of Manuscripts:

1) “Original article” “Review article” and “Technical report”:
 The Manuscript should be less than 12 pages; moreover, the title, author name, abstract, key words, and charts must also be included.

2) “Short communication” :
 The Manuscript should be less than 6 pages; moreover, the title, author name, abstract, key words, and charts must also be included.

5. Examination method:

The submitted manuscript is reviewed along the Editorial Policy.

6. Examination Schedule:

・Paper submission deadline: Wednesday, March 8th  Monday, March 20th, 2023(12:00 midnight in Japan time)
・Examination result announcement: late June, 2023 ( date undecided )
・Revised paper submission deadline: late July, 2023 ( date undecided )
・Final examination result announcement: late August, 2023 (date undecided)
・Online Publication of the journal: mid October, 2023

Note: Any submission sent after the deadline will not be received, and any correction of
 the manuscript after the submission is not permitted.

7. Regulations and Manuscript Format:

8. Submission of Manuscripts:

・Submit the files below using the online system  “ScholarOne Manuscript”  by the
 designated deadline.
・The total size of the submitted files should not exceed 10 MB.
・The authors name should not be put in the file title.

  1. (1) an original manuscript with authors’ names and affiliations, acknowledgements with line numbers and page numbers (in a PDF file format less than 5MB)
  2. (2) a copy of an anonymous version of the original manuscript which authors’ names, affiliations and acknowledgement are fully masked with spaces, with line numbers and page numbers (in a PDF file format).
  3. (3) Paper submission form (in PDF file format ).
  4. (4) A duplicate copy of the remittance of the paper’s examination fee (in PDF or jpeg file format)
  5. (5) A submission checklist (in PDF or jpeg file format)
  6. (6) Affidavit (in PDF or jpeg file format)
  7. (7) A certificate stating that the document has undergone English proofreading (in PDF or jpeg file format)
  8. (8) Additional materials, if relevant to “3. Contribution conditions” of the Editorial Policy (if applicable)

9. Charges to Authors:

The following fees will be charged to submitting authors. The paper examination fee is paid upon submission and will not be refunded if the manuscript is rejected because it does not follow submission guidelines. The publication fee and offprints fee is paid after acceptance and without delay.

  1. (1)Paper examination fee:10,000 yen for members.
    If there are (is a) non-member co-author(s), an additional 3,000 yen per non-member co-author will be charged.
  2. (2)Publication fee: 20,000 yen for members
    If there are (is a) non-member co-author(s), an additional 7,000 yen per non-member co-author will be charged
  3. (3)Offprints fee: A minimum of 30 offprints with a cover will be supplied upon request at a charge of 6,000 yen.
    If more are required, an additional charge of 150 yen per copy will be applied. (To print color pages, additional color printing charge at actual expenses will be applied.)

<designated Bank Account>
Account Name: Center for Environmental Information Science
Account Number: 1135239
MUFG Bank, Ichigaya Branch

10. Contact for Inquiries:

Editorial Office of the Center for Environmental Information Science, 3-2-7, Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074, Japan
E-mail Address :

To the Editorial Board of Journal of Environmental Information Science