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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.39 No.5 (2011年) > Statistical Analysis of Wooden Houses with Installed Barrier-Free Facilities in Japan: An Application of Microdata from

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.39 No.5 (2011年)


Statistical Analysis of Wooden Houses with Installed Barrier-Free Facilities in Japan: An Application of Microdata from

Koji MATSUSHITA (Kyoto University)

Japan faces rapid demographic changes. It is important to gain a quantitative understanding of the houses occupied by elderly people, especially wooden houses, due to the rapid increase in the elderly population and the possible impact of this trend on wood-based industries in Japan. The objective of this analysis was to clarify the statistical characteristics of wooden houses occupied by elderly people in Japan using resampled microdata from the 1998 Housing and Land Survey. The analysis revealed the following three main points. (1) The percentage of wooden houses occupied by elderly people is high for older houses and declines for more recently constructed houses. (2) The percentage of houses where barrier-free facilities have been installed has increased over time among wooden and non-wooden houses, especially since the late 1980s. (3) Regional differences were found in the percentage of wooden houses occupied by elderly people and in the percentage of houses with barrier-free facilities. These results, especially those for wooden houses, have been partially or qualitatively presented in previous studies, but a quantitative national overview has not been previously reported. This study also clarifies the contribution that the effective utilization of resampled microdata can make to the development of important indices for wooden house construction and related industries in Japan's aging society.

Key Word:
aging society, construction period, elderly people, resampled data
