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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.41 No.5 (2013年) > National Vocational Qualification for SWM workers in Sri Lanka: Implication of the Approach and Potential Impact

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.41 No.5 (2013年)


National Vocational Qualification for SWM workers in Sri Lanka: Implication of the Approach and Potential Impact

Ken SHIMIZU, Mitsuo YOSHIDA and Takehiko MURAYAMA (Tokyo Institute of Technology / Japan International Cooperation Agency)

In many developing countries, the rapid growth in the amount of waste in urban areas is leading to a crisis situation. Though local authorities face many challenges, the low quality of waste workers has often been pointed out as one of the main reasons for the inefficient operation of waste disposal. This study analyses a unique National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) recently introduced in Sri Lanka including its function, development process and potential impact. The results show that the NVQ streamlines waste management operations, promotes communication with the general public, improves the occupational health and safety of workers and creates employment opportunities. Furthermore, the results suggest that the participation of a variety of stakeholders in the development of the NVQ has led to the creation new practical knowledge. It is too early to quantify the impact of the NVQ; however, relevant organizations and persons have offered positive responses.

Key Word:
developing countries, waste worker, vocational qualification, stakeholder participation, Sri Lanka
