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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.35 No.5 (2007年) > Study on Coastal Vegetation Early in Establishment on an Artificial Seashore: Through Experimental Seeding of Sennan Sea

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.35 No.5 (2007年)


Study on Coastal Vegetation Early in Establishment on an Artificial Seashore: Through Experimental Seeding of Sennan Sea

Keiko OSHIDA and Akiharu KAMIHOGI (Nihon University / Osaka Prefecture University)

Through the planting experiment of Tribulus terrestris on an artificial beach in Sennan Beach Park, run by Osaka Prefecture, with a view to studying all possibilities of reproducing endangered plant species on man-made beaches, it was learned that Tribulus terrestris is able to grow favorably in such an environment when other plants have a low vegetation ratio. Also, contrary to most coastal plants that are vulnerable to human influence, Tribulus terrestris is less affected by a high possibility of being trodden by humans in their growth, and its emergence is principally dependent on the vegetation ratio of other plants. Especially, Tribulus terrestris suffers significant declines in its emergence ratio in an environment where Carex kobomugi-type vegetation is dominant, so planting or seeding Tribulus terrestris should be avoided in areas where those other plants are already present. Instead, it would be best to choose a location near an area that only holds, under the ground, seeds of Calystegia soldanella-type plants or well-developed main roots of Glehnia littoralis or similar, as a habitat for Tribulus terrestris early in establishment so as to facilitate its good germination and growth.

Key Word:
coastal plants, Tribulus terrestris, Experiment of seeding, artificial seashore
