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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.33 No.5 (2005年) > ‹Technical Report›Research on the Barrier-Evaluation Method for Wheelchair Users around Kairakuen Park

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.33 No.5 (2005年)


‹Technical Report›Research on the Barrier-Evaluation Method for Wheelchair Users around Kairakuen Park

Akira OKAMOTO, Takekazu KOYANAGI and Yuji KUWAHARA (Ibaraki University)

Recently, there has been an increasingly stronger trend towards a barrier-free society with the birthrate declining, the population aging, and normalization in progress. Not enough information has been provided, however, on the present barrier status and the barrier improvement of historic gardens or tourist sites. Taking Kairakuen Park in Mito City for example, this study aims to clarify the preferences of park-users and physically challenged people towards making the park barrier-free by conducting a questionnaire survey. Also, the study attempts to propose ways of providing information on the present barrier status or the barrier improvement, according to the responses of physically challenged people to the questionnaire, and make a barrier-free map based on a field survey on barriers.

Key Word:
Kairakuen Park, barrier-free map, barrier improvement, information-providing on the present barrier status
