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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.44 No.5 (2016年) > Feasibility Study for Underground Environment Exploration by GPR

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.44 No.5 (2016年)


Feasibility Study for Underground Environment Exploration by GPR

Masayoshi MATSUMOTO*, Mao INAMI* and Mitsunori YOSHIMURA* (*Research & Development HQ, PASCO CORPORATION)

The exploration of underground environments is important especially in urban areas due to the presence of cavities or utilities under road infrastructure. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) is a suitable tool to carry out subsurface underground environment exploration with high resolution thanks to the properties of electromagnetic waves. Since the application of GPR has increased and many GPR products now exist, users have to consider appropriate GPR instruments and consider whether GPR can be applied to their field or not. This paper describes the idea of a standard evaluation method aiming to evaluate GPR instruments and applicability to various fields for GPR objectively. After the definition of standard anomaly model, we define an evaluation process which reveals how much information can be correctly estimated by GPR exploration. This evaluation method was demonstrated by using a real GPR dataset. And as a result, we concluded the method is reasonable and valuable to the evaluation of GPR instruments and the investigation of GPR applications.

Key Word:
underground environment, ground penetrating radar(GPR), standard evaluation method, standard anomaly, volumetric anomaly, linear anomaly
