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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.44 No.5 (2016年) > Value Chain Analysis of Park Volunteers between Their Assessment to the Activity and Consciousness to the Region

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.44 No.5 (2016年)


Value Chain Analysis of Park Volunteers between Their Assessment to the Activity and Consciousness to the Region

Akiko KOMATSU*, Koji ICHIMURA** and Shogo KANAOKA*** (* Osaka Univ. of Economics, ** Muroran Institute of Technology *** Univ. of Toyama )

This paper argues that park volunteer activities affect a sense of community of volunteers, based on covariance structure analysis. The adopted model shows that “scheme for interaction between volunteers” positively affects “overall satisfaction of volunteer activities” and “human interaction” of a sense of community. Because variables of volunteer activities (“Scheme for contact with plants” “scheme for obtaining the skill and knowledge” and “scheme for social contribution”) have a chain reaction, volunteer activities improve social-capital consciousness of volunteers. This result indicates that park volunteer activities have ripple effects of both the expansion of human interaction with peers and the expansion of contribution to society, and have a potential to be a mean to trigger regional revitalization.

Key Word:
park management, volunteer activities, regional revitalization, creating shared value, value chain
