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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.44 No.5 (2016年) > Trade-offs Between Household and Transportation Energy Consumption in Residential Relocation

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.44 No.5 (2016年)


Trade-offs Between Household and Transportation Energy Consumption in Residential Relocation

Shogo SAKAMOTO* (*Institute for Transport Policy Studies)

The aim of this study is to show the importance of the trade-off relationship between household and transportation energy consumption in the evaluation of residential relocation as a measure to reduce energy consumption. The typical scenario of residential relocation that includes moving a household living in detached houses in the suburbs to collective housing in the city center is evaluated using a simulation model with non-elderly and elderly single households in the Sendai metropolitan area. As a result, even if transportation energy consumption is reduced, there is a possibility that household energy consumption after residential relocation will increase, especially in the elderly households.

Key Word:
residential relocation, trade-offs, household and transportation energy consumption
