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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.43 No.5 (2015年) > Post-tsunami Salinity Status of Reclaimed and Nonreclaimed Farmlands in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.43 No.5 (2015年)


Post-tsunami Salinity Status of Reclaimed and Nonreclaimed Farmlands in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

Kingshuk ROY, Yurika KATO, Naoki SATO and Sadao NAGASAKA (College of Biroresource Sciences, Nihon University, Japan / Geosciences Department, University of Missouri-Kansas City, )

To assess changes in the soil salinity status of agricultural farmlands devastated by the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunami in Miyagi prefecture, soil samples were collected from different types of farmlands in 2013 and analyzed. The sampling included reclaimed and nonreclaimed lowland (paddy fields) and upland areas in Kesennuma shi, Minamisanriku cho, and Watari cho. The results revealed that the soil salinity of most of the farmlands returned to a normal level (electrical conductivity [EC] value within 0.3 to 0.6 dS m-1) under natural condition, mainly due to abundant annual precipitation in the years after the tsunami. Remedial works have further accelerated the soil recovery at these sites, and it is now almost close to the pretsunami levels. We recommend that proper remediation in agricultural lands would be accomplished through a combination of mechanical remediation and site-specific agronomic management strategies in the study area.

Key Word:
tsunami, salinity, agricultural land, reclamation, northeast Japan
