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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.42 No.5 (2014年) > ‹Research Report› Current Status and Progress of Renewable Energy and its Policies in China

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.42 No.5 (2014年)


‹Research Report› Current Status and Progress of Renewable Energy and its Policies in China

Qianyu DONG and Tohru FUTAWATARI (The University of Kitakyushu)

Global warming and climate change have shifted the focus of industrial development towards low-carbon renewable energy. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes the progress of renewable energy generation in China and its correlations with GDP growth, CO2 emissions reduction as well as the policy support. First, an overall review of renewable energy in China has been conducted. Then based on a realization about the status of renewable energy resource, a discussion about reasons behind the development of RE generation is given. After that, we studied the links between the development of renewable energy, real GDP growth rate and CO2 emissions, and argue that the growth of renewable energy generation, GDP growth and policy support are strong linked. Meanwhile, the contribution of renewable energy to reduce CO2 is not significant and this phenomenon will last for a long time. At last, some recommendations for the future development of renewable energy generation are proposed.

Key Word:
renewable energy, policy, CO2, GDP
