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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.42 No.5 (2014年) > A Review of the Quality of JICA’s Environmental Assessment Reports: Effectiveness of Guidelines and Countermeasures to I

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.42 No.5 (2014年)


A Review of the Quality of JICA’s Environmental Assessment Reports: Effectiveness of Guidelines and Countermeasures to I

Tetsuya KAMIJO (Japan International Cooperation Agency)

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations (ESC) enforced in April 2004 institutionalized procedures for environmental assessment of the preparation phase of the project cycle. This study intended to verify the effectiveness of the JICA ESC Guidelines in 2004 and proposed countermeasures to improve the quality of environmental assessment reports (EARs) in developing countries through a review of the results of the quality of JICA EARs. The Lee-Colley review package was adapted and used to review the quality of a sample of 120 JICA EARs from 2001 to 2012. The result of the study showed that the effectiveness of the JICA ESC Guidelines could be confirmed, particularly in the four categories of alternatives, scoping, assessment of impacts significance and commitment of mitigations. Under the constrains of implementing environmental assessment (EA) procedures in developing countries, including the inadequacy of environmental expertise and information, an analysis of alternatives with public participation could become a countermeasure to improve the quality of EARs. Further research is required to verify the effectiveness of alternatives analysis with public participation in EARs quality in developing countries based on case studies.

Key Word:
JICA Guidelines for Environmental and Social Considerations (ESC), Quality of Environmental Assessment Reports (EARs), The Lee-Colley review package, Developing Countries, Analysis of alternatives, Public participation
