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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.41 No.5 (2013年) > ‹Research Report›Distribution of amphidromous sculpin, Cottus reinii, in relation to the presence of artif

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.41 No.5 (2013年)


‹Research Report›Distribution of amphidromous sculpin, Cottus reinii, in relation to the presence of artif

Naoko YOSHIDA, Takuya ITO, Yumi NAKAJIMA, Shingo FUJIMOTO and Masahide YUMA (Ryukoku University )

The Japanese sculpin, Cottus reinii, is an amphidromous, bottom-dwelling freshwater fish. However, compared with other sculpins, little information exists on its distribution in rivers. In river habitats, artificial structures exsist that are designed to control floods, but these may also exert a serious influence on fish migration. The objectives of this study were to determine the distribution pattern of C. reinii in rivers and to evaluate the impact of artificial structures on this pattern. The investigations were conducted at 22 sites located in three tributary rivers of Lake Biwa. Multivariate analyses revealed that the cumulative height of weirs was a better predictor of the distribution of the species compared with other factors, and that weirs have a negative impact on the presence of the species. In contrast, previous research showed that Cottus nozawae, which has low mobility, is considered to be insusceptible to movement weirs. Therefore our result suggests that artificial structures prevent movements of C. reinii.

Key Word:
weir, migration, river, sculpin, Lake Biwa
