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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.37 No.5 (2009年) > CVM Evaluation of a Sewage Treatment Plant Headroom

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.37 No.5 (2009年)


CVM Evaluation of a Sewage Treatment Plant Headroom

Michinari FURUKAWA, Yasuhiko WADA and Nariaki WADA (Kansai University / Kobe University)

In recent years, securing open space in urban districts has become increasingly difficult. This issue demands effective utilization of headroom of sewage treatment plants located in cities to be used as valuable spaces such as sports facilities, turf plazas, and waterfront spaces using treated water and other resources. We administered a questionnaire survey of residents living near sewage treatment plants where utilization of headroom has been attempted. We sought to ascertain the recognition rate of the facilities by users and nonusers, utilization status, and reasons for utilization, and inferred a monetary valuation of the entire facility using CVM (Contingent Valuation Method). Results revealed that increased greenery in the headroom and maintenance to allow for children to play increase the value of the entire facility, that the utilization of the upper part of the facility has a high non-utilization value, and that publicizing the facility’s existence all increase the number of users, thereby raising the monetary value assigned to the use of the public facility.

Key Word:
Sewage treatment plant, headroom, CVM, AHP(Analytic Hieranchy Process) method
