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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.37 No.5 (2009年) > Evaluation of arterial roads that cross prefecture borders

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.37 No.5 (2009年)


Evaluation of arterial roads that cross prefecture borders

Jun MITERA, Misuzu KOZUKA and Yoshiaki HONDA (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research / Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc / Research Institute of Region an)

The importance of arterial roads that cross a prefecture’s border was examined by this research, and the degree of road sufficiency and the plan of road maintenance and improvement were examined by focusing on the area’s natural conditions (snow coverage area). The results obtained can be summarized as follows: (1) Regarding arterial road maintenance and improvement across a prefecture’s border, many of the cities, towns and villages that responded to the survey by selecting “Think that the border between prefectures is not taken into consideration” do not share a border between prefectures. (2) In order to understand the causal structure of sufficiency level, analysis of covariance was performed. (3) A remarkable difference was seen also about the plans for road maintenance and improvements needed.

Key Word:
Arterial road, prefecture border, Snow coverage area, Sufficiency level
