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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.37 No.5 (2009年) > Causal Analysis of Car CO2 Emissions and Urban Infrastructure Using Structural Equation Modeling

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.37 No.5 (2009年)


Causal Analysis of Car CO2 Emissions and Urban Infrastructure Using Structural Equation Modeling

Hiroyasu SUGIHARA, Jun YAMASHITA and Yoriko IKOMA (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology / Kyushu University / Research Center of Regional Policy)

The present study examined the relationship between urban land use and car transportation. The results derived from applications of the structural equation modeling revealed that suburbanization directly caused a proportional increase in car ownership and construction of roads, and in turn, indirectly increased the carbon dioxide emission from cars. This paper also revealed that road construction led to an increase in the number of automobile owners. These findings indicate that both private car utilization and the development of road networks should be restricted, while the use of public transport should be encouraged in order to reduce global warming.

Key Word:
Urban Employment Area (UEA), car CO2 emissions, road construction, structural equation modeling (SEM)
