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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.37 No.5 (2009年) > Life-cycle Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Management System by Considering Renewal and Maintenance Patterns of Trea

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.37 No.5 (2009年)


Life-cycle Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Management System by Considering Renewal and Maintenance Patterns of Trea

Tomohiro TABATA, Hidefumi IMURA and Moon Da Mi ( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology / Nagoya University)

In this study, we developed a simulation model to evaluate the life-cycle cost (LCC) and life-cycle CO2 (LCCO2) in a municipal solid waste (MSW) management system by taking into account the construction/ renewal and maintenance patterns of MSW treatment facilities from the mid- or long-term perspective. We proposed a model for construction/ renewal and maintenance patterns of MSW treatment facilities from a future perspective of MSW discharge and their lifetime. This model was also combined with LCC and life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies. This model was applied to Nagoya in a case study and estimated the LCC and LCCO2 between FY2005 and FY2030. We found LCC in FY2030 is approximately 211 [1000 yen/ person], and LCC varies 5.2% whether maximum value or minimum one are utilized as the lifetime. We also conducted a sensitivity analysis of the varying waste segregation rate than the present, and an increase of further waste segregation leads to decrease in the LCCO2 and to increase in the LCC, especially the material recycling.

Key Word:
MSW treatment, MSW treatment facilities as social infrastructure, LCCO2, LCC, life-cycle simulation
