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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.37 No.5 (2009年) > Current Status and Future Progress of Wild Boar Management in Japan

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.37 No.5 (2009年)


Current Status and Future Progress of Wild Boar Management in Japan

Yukichika KAWATA (Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the most appropriate wild boar hunting methods by considering the current and future situations in Japan. We examined this from the following viewpoints: (1) social and economic, (2) ecological, (3) management and (4) institutional. From the social and economic viewpoints, the number of hunters has drastically decreased, and many of the hunters have started ageing. Such a situation makes it more difficult to continue firearm hunting. From the viewpoint of the ecology, firearms can disturb the home range of wild boars; our regression results also support this view. From the management viewpoint, it is difficult to estimate the population of wild boars, and many prefectures aim to maintain agricultural damage below a certain level; it seems that the most effective method for this is to set up traps along wild boar trails. From the institutional viewpoint, one of the most crucial issues involved in meat utilisation is that as per the Food Hygiene Law, unless animals are slaughtered at a designated plant, they cannot be sold in the market. However, these plants are often located far away from the hunting site, and the quality of meat cannot be maintained. Therefore, we can conclude that traps are more appropriate than other hunting gear such as guns for wild boar hunting.

Key Word:
firearm, trap, conservation and management plan, regression analysis
