Tomoo OKAYASU, Hiroshi NAKAMURA and Kazuhiko TAKEUCHI (the University of Tokyo / Global Environmental Forum)
As a result of its long history of pastoralism, traditional Mongolian nomadic culture has demonstrated certain advantages in terms of sustainable utilization of rangelands. However, recent dramatic political, economic, and climatic changes are threatening the sustainability of animal husbandry in Mongolia. In this paper, we report the results of a survey of Mongolian herders and local government officials to understand their perceptions of the current situation and problems, and the countermeasures that they have taken or hope to take. By comparing their problems and the corresponding countermeasures, we examined whether they have an effective potential to solve the problems they face. As a result, we could point out the problems of the countermeasures in the study area: (1) Lack of the countermeasures which can directly address their most serious problem (drought and corresponding expenditure) threatening herders’ sustainable livelihood, (2) lack of the countermeasures which make their traditional rangeland management adaptive for current situation, and (3) lack of the monitoring of the adverse effect of the countermeasure which is new for their traditional rangeland management. These problems should be solved through constructing the process of iterative discussions among all stakeholders.
Key Word:
perceptions, options, drought, vulnerability, co-management, semi-permanent settlement