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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.36 No.5 (2008年) > A Study on the Relationship between Environment, Land-use and Traffic in Local Cities: Case study on F

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.36 No.5 (2008年)


A Study on the Relationship between Environment, Land-use and Traffic in Local Cities: Case study on F

Misuzu KOZUKA, Jun MITERA and Yoshiaki HONDA (Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. / Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research / University of Fukui)

Many problems engendered by urban expansion have been identified in regional towns and cities, and concern over environmental damage has been growing in recent years. The subject of this study is small and midsize regional cities. Initially, the research looks at the way the urban structure has changed in regional cities in recent years. Next, the case study selected for this research was Fukui city—a regional city with a diffuse urban structure. The results of a survey that asked residents of Fukui city to evaluate the present urban area were analyzed, and the relationship between the environment, land-use, and traffic is probed. As a result, 1) Fukui city was recognized as a diffuse urban area, 2) the questionnaire for experts, the realization of a compact urban area “urban center residence type” for Fukui city is considered the ideal, 3) as a result of an analysis using Quantification Theory II by using responds of experts, they consider to clean implementing measures that inclined solely toward a single domain was far less effective than implementing measures that ranged across several domains—an approach thought to have a far greater positive impact.

Key Word:
public facilities, environment, urban structure, Quantification Theory II
