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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.36 No.5 (2008年) > Research on Measures for a Railway in the Central Area of a Local City: For a Society that Respects th

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.36 No.5 (2008年)


Research on Measures for a Railway in the Central Area of a Local City: For a Society that Respects th

Jun MITERA, Misuzu KOZUKA and Yoshiaki HONDA ( Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Research / Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc. / University of Fukui)

In this research, we investigate the measures for railway in the central area of Fukui, which has a relatively low level of public transportation maintenance and widespread city structure. As a result, we got a view of the following. 1) We showed the area around the station, such as strengthening of the functions of the public transport node, after having grasped the present situation surrounding the central area of the city. 2) In an opinion poll among people who live around the station, people put high priority on “decreasing the environment load” for each attribution. 3) We have grasped the degree of serious consideration about 19 measures, and the quantitative analysis showed the differences consciousness characteristic clearly.

Key Word:
area around station, central area of city, railway
