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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.36 No.5 (2008年) > Characteristics in the Distribution of the Woodland Vegetation in the Southern Kanto Region since the Early 20th Century

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.36 No.5 (2008年)


Characteristics in the Distribution of the Woodland Vegetation in the Southern Kanto Region since the Early 20th Century

Kaoru ICHIKAWA, Tomoo OKAYASU and Kazuhiko TAKEUCHI (The University of Tokyo)

We examined the changes in vegetation composition and in areas of woodlands in southern Kanto region since the early 20th century. Statistical data from ca.1910, 1980 and 2000 were used to grasp the distribution of the percentage areas of woodland vegetation. We have shown that as well as landform, other anthropogenic factors, such as industry or urbanization, also influenced woodland vegetation in spatially different ways. It is also indicated that the characteristics of satoyama land-scapes in a county scale, have been becoming similar compared to those in ca.1910.

Key Word:
satoyama, statistical data, woodland vegetation, county
