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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.36 No.5 (2008年) > A Multi-Agent Model Approach to Analyze the Roles of Domestic Actors in International Climate Change Politics

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.36 No.5 (2008年)


A Multi-Agent Model Approach to Analyze the Roles of Domestic Actors in International Climate Change Politics

Hyun-Young LEE, Mitsutaka MATSUMOTO and Norichika KANIE (Tokyo Institute of Technology / National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

We present a multi-agent simulation model for international climate change politics. The model consists of government, climate NGOs and industry agents, and analyzes the effects of interdependencies among agents on macro-level behaviors. The simulation results indicated that the climate NGOs' role of propagating international norms to governments and the adequate relationship between governments and industries are essential to the formation of an effective international climate change regime. Another simulation which focused on the role of climate NGOs indicated that few of the NGOs need to have influences on the government, whereas many of the NGOs must be influenced by international norms. We present our research background, formulation of the model, and the simulation results.

Key Word:
climate change, international politics, multi-agent model, micro-macro correspondence, climate NGO
