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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.35 No.5 (2007年) > Evaluating Visitors' Perception of Congestion at Ozegahara

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.35 No.5 (2007年)


Evaluating Visitors' Perception of Congestion at Ozegahara

Katsunori FURUYA, Hiroyuki ICHIBA and Toshihiro NAKAJIMA (Chiba University / Research of Garden City Inc.)

This study reveals the relationship between the number of visitors and evaluation of the congestion experience at Ozegahara. The number of questionnaires distributed was 3,923 including 2,251 responses (response rate: 57.4%). Three evaluation measures were used in this study: evaluation vs. expected congestion, evaluation vs. ideal number of visitors, and evaluation of feel of disturbance by crowd. The research results were divided into four groups, as a result of the Kruskal Wallis test among the number of visitors. In the case of Ozegahara, the number of visitors per day should be ideally managed at or below 2,600, since it was found that more than 50% of subjects would feel “just right” on the days when the number of visitors is 2,600 or less. In addition, they feel that the congestion level is “more than expected” with 3,500 or more visitors, and get “disturbed by crowd” with 4,800 or more visitors. Therefore, even on crowded days, the number of visitors should be preferably controlled between 3,500 and 4,800. This study’s analysis was based on a 50% response rate; however, validation of the 50% will remain a future issue.

Key Word:
Ozegahara, national park, congestion, visitors, overuse, carrying capacity
