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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.34 No.5 (2006年) > ‹Research Report›The Characteristics of Dairy Cattle Waste Management Systems:Case Study on Dairy Farming

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.34 No.5 (2006年)


‹Research Report›The Characteristics of Dairy Cattle Waste Management Systems:Case Study on Dairy Farming

Eikichi SHIMA, Ivo F.SVOBODA, Satoshi TSUTSUMI (Kitasato University / Scottish Agricultural College)

Housing, milking and waste handling systems of dairy farms in Japan and Scotland were statistically assessed. This assessment showed that more traditional methods (tie stalls and pipe milking) were used on dairy farms in Japan where there is much higher percentage of smaller farms than in Scotland where the dairy cattle were housed more often in cubicles and milked in milking parlours. A more detailed study of four farms in Northern Japan and four farms in Scotland showed that the smaller farms produced rather solid wastes than slurry and these solid wastes were applied on grassland and arable land or, in Japan, a small proportion was exported to paddy fields or vegetable hill farms. On large Japanese farms only little bedding was used therefore liquid slurry was generated. It was often mechanically separated, aerobically treated, diluted and finally irrigated onto the grassland. Dairy cattle slurry from Scottish farms was applied on grassland and arable land by tankers and umbilical cord systems. About twice as many of farm workers were managing the same number of dairy cattle in Japan as in Scotland.

Key Word:
dairy cattle, slurry, waste management, irrigation, land application, costs.
