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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.34 No.5 (2006年) > ‹Research Report›Living Environment Management of New Town at Its Maturity: Case study of Senri New Town,

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.34 No.5 (2006年)


‹Research Report›Living Environment Management of New Town at Its Maturity: Case study of Senri New Town,

Shigeru YAMAMOTO, Kunihiro NARUMI, Masanori SAWAKI (Osaka University)

Senri New Town at its maturity is confronted by increasing number and wider range of problems related to its living environment. Senri Center, one of sectors that have participated in management of living environment is going out of the picture, while the city administrations face serious financial difficulties. Under such circumstances, the local governments should play a leading role, and the residents should have proactive participation in living environment management. Particularly important is for them to discuss and adjust confronting interests, accepting the outcome as common rules for everyone. It is expected that “Regional Gatherings” in various forms and sizes become active, and develop into “Whole NT Gatherings” where they collaborate with each other to address and work out plans for living environment related problems from neutral and technical standpoint. This will require the support of experts and NPOs, other than the residents’ participation.

Key Word:
new town, maturity, living environment management, participation and collaboration, gatherings
