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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.34 No.5 (2006年) > ‹Research Report›A Diagnostic Study on the Environment of the Three Gorges Reservoir

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.34 No.5 (2006年)


‹Research Report›A Diagnostic Study on the Environment of the Three Gorges Reservoir

Guangwei HUANG (The University of Tokyo)

The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River is currently the largest dam development project in the world. Once completed, it will create a 660 km long reservoir with a total storage of 393 billion m3. Because of its scale, complexity, social and environmental significance, the project has attracted worldwide attention from various angles. To find out what is the present situation after first stage impoundment, a field trip was conducted and related data were collected for the purpose of diagnosing potential problems caused by the dam construction. This note presents the author’s observation, preliminary analysis and call for further study.

Key Word:
Three Gorges, impoundment, field survey, nutrients, inflow loading
