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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.34 No.5 (2006年) > Screening Risk Prioritization of Pollutants in Japan

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.34 No.5 (2006年)


Screening Risk Prioritization of Pollutants in Japan

Hirofumi AIZAWA (Harvard University)

This study is intended to provide screening information related to the Japanese policy prioritization for chemical substances. A brief risk assessment based on the Japanese pollutants inventory and human toxicity potentials (HTPs) will be used. Results of 118 substances show that current carcinogenic substances with no environmental quality standard (around 10-6 to 10-5 risk suspected) include substances such as ethylene oxide, chloromethane and chloroform. Dioxins might pose prominent cancer (10-4 population life time risk) and non-cancer risks in Japan. In non-carcinogenicity, all substances are less than one hazard quotient. Nevertheless, dioxins, mercury and lead are over 0.1 hazard quotient. Further refinement is necessary, especially for heavy metals and the concerned substances.

Key Word:
PRTR, risk assessment, HTP, risk prioritization
