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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.34 No.5 (2006年) > An Economic Analysis of the Depletion of the Puffer Resource: The Problems of Ageing and Labour Shortage

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.34 No.5 (2006年)


An Economic Analysis of the Depletion of the Puffer Resource: The Problems of Ageing and Labour Shortage

Yukichika KAWATA (Keio University)

Torafugu and other puffer fish are an important cultural and economic resource in Japan. However, their landings have drastically declined, especially in recent years. This paper shows that, under the current situation, voluntary regulation is crucial for replenishment of resources. If the producers of fish are faced with the problems of ageing and labour shortage, this solution will be insufficient. The decline in resource levels is worsened when the producers change the size of the fishing boats in the long run. We discuss that for a socially optimal use of resources, it is required to set the total allowable catch and design an income maintenance policy.

Key Word:
fishery agreement, ageing and labour shortage, user cost, open access fishery, total allowable catch (TAC), income maintenance policy
