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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.33 No.5 (2005年) > Evaluation of Riverside Environment from Local Inhabitants by Factor Analysis

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.33 No.5 (2005年)


Evaluation of Riverside Environment from Local Inhabitants by Factor Analysis

Nariaki WADA and Kohji MICHIOKU (Kobe University)

In this research we investigated what advantages people who live near the water want to receive from their environment, and what sorts of improvements of the waterside they would like to see. To that end, we analyzed the images of the waterside environment held and the ideas about the need for improvement expressed, comparing city-dwellers who are satisfied with their waterside environment and those who are not satisfied. We also included age as a factor. The results of our analysis indicated that those who are dissatisfied find it difficult to gain any enjoyment of nature or come into contact with nature at the waterside near which they live, as compared with those who are satisfied. We also found that young people want to use the river area for sports and other physical exercise, while older people want to enjoy nature along the shore. These findings indicated that the waterside environment should be improved in various ways, including: improving the quality of the water; constructing promenades that feature natural scenes and creating spaces where people can observe nature; and dividing the waterside into different zones according to use, i.e., for camping, water skiing or sports. Is it also important to publicize progress in waterside improvements that are intended to make them attractive, because many citizens are not interested in their local rivers.

Key Word:
evaluation of environment, waterside environment, factor analysis, inhabitant's perception survey
