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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.33 No.5 (2005年) > The Cooling Effect of Urban River and Open Space on Summertime Air Temperature in Coastal City

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.33 No.5 (2005年)


The Cooling Effect of Urban River and Open Space on Summertime Air Temperature in Coastal City

Masako OHMAE and Shigeto YANAI (Chiba University)

His study aims to assess the effects of the heat island phenomenon on a coastal city along the Tokyo Bay, to examine the degree and extent of the cooling effect of the river and the riverside park including the effect of the sea surface through observations under the condition of sunny summer days with a weak sea wind. The observations were made by focusing on the urban river, which is approximately 100m wide along the riverside park on both banks, each bank approximately 50-100m in width. The results in the case of observations made at 14:00 are as follows: 1)A clear high air temperature region is formed in the area combining the inland trunk road and the densely populated urban district. On the other hand, in the area closer to the coast, a clear low air temperature region is formed, with a temperature that is more than 2.0Ž lower than that in the high air temperature region. 2)Sea surface and the river and riverside park perpendicular to the coastal line particularly contribute to the expansion of the low air temperature region from the coast to inland areas. 3)Considering the observation results of the streets along the river and riverside park, these multiple effects extend 3,000m inland from the coastal line. 4)The extent to which the river and riverside park provide the cooling effect in the perpendicular direction is approximately 200m from the edge of the river and 100-150m from the edge of the riverside park.

Key Word:
heat island, cooling effect, urban river, open space, coastal city
