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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.32 No.5 (2004年) > Economic Environmental Impact Assessment by Combining CVM and Remote Sensing Techniques

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.32 No.5 (2004年)


Economic Environmental Impact Assessment by Combining CVM and Remote Sensing Techniques

K. S. Sarwar Uddin AHMED, Keinosuke GOTOH and Kaoru TACHIIRI (Nagasaki University)

The main objective of the study is to combine contingent valuation method (CVM) and remote sensing for estimating the economic environmental impact caused by the Isahaya Bay Reclamation Project (IBRP) to the Isahaya Bay Wetland (IBW). In doing so, we have used potential behavioral economic valuation technique: contingent valuation method and satellite remote sensing technique: land cover mapping. From the results of the study, we are able to bracket a range of values from \\22 to \\200 billion, as the economic value of wetland lost due to the initiation of reclamation project on IBW. This study would provide useful guidelines for arriving at the true economic value lost due to some human activities and would provide a new dimension to get nearer to the more accurate environmental impact assessment.

Key Word:
environmental impact assessment, contingent valuation method, remote sensing, Isahaya Bay Wetland
