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ホーム > Journal of Environmental Information Science > Vol.32 No.5 (2004年) > Increased Importance of Coordinating Policy Interlinkage Between Different Global Environmental Regimes: A Case Study of

Journal of Environmental Information Science Vol.32 No.5 (2004年)


Increased Importance of Coordinating Policy Interlinkage Between Different Global Environmental Regimes: A Case Study of

Yasuko MATSUMOTO (National Institute for Environmental Studies)

Coordinating policy interlinkages among a number of global environmental problems is becoming increasingly vital to obviate policy tradeoffs and maximize the conservation effect. The problem of the powerful greenhouse gases hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are substitutes for ozone depleting substances, is an instance in which the policy contradictions between two regimes, i.e., the Montreal and Kyoto Protocols, emerged in the context of pressing circumstances where countries must implement their commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. From the perspective of policy interlinkage, this paper reviews efforts on HFCs under those agreements and the domestic initiatives of countries with a major involvement in the HFC issue. Examining the course of events in the expansion of HFC use in the world market reveals that policy inefficiency resulted because environmental objectives were not redefined clearly between the two treaties when new scientific knowledge emerged, and that the policy interlinkage perspective was not incorporated into their institutions in a timely manner. Finally, by discussing a case of potential coordination and complementing of the two regimes' funding mechanisms and technology transfer mechanisms, this paper points out the need to further pursue the potential for enhancing positive policy interlinkage in international and domestic institutional design.

Key Word:
policy interlinkage, ozone depleting substances(ODSs), the Montreal Protocol, the Kyoto Protocol, Hydrofluorocarbons(HFCs), Chlorofluorocarbon(CFC) substitutes
