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ホーム > 環境情報科学 > 47巻 (2018年) > 4号 > 報告 韓国における環境教育の現状と第2次環境教育総合計画に基づく主な取組み

環境情報科学47巻 (2018年) 4号


報告 韓国における環境教育の現状と第2次環境教育総合計画に基づく主な取組み

藤原綾子 (久留米大学比較文化研究所)

テーマ: -
カテゴリ: 投稿

The author analyzes the current environment education in South-Korea by reviewing current recruitment of environmental teachers and the profile of schools that adopt an environmental subject and then, with focusing on the Environmental Education Promotion Act in this country and promotion challenges on environment education in “the Second Comprehensive Plan for Environmental Education” established according to the Act, by considering various major approaches, such as enriching environment education at schools, securing recruitment of teachers in environment subject, and expanding training of teachers out of the profession, as well as, outside school, expanding opportunity of environment education, increasing candidate student of environment education, and mandating adoption of instructors in social environmental education.

Environmental education,the Environmental Education Promotion Act,the Second Comprehensive Plan for Environmental Education
