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ホーム > 環境情報科学 > 47巻 (2018年) > 3号 > 研究論文 西苑園林における扁額からみた建築群機能類型別の庭園空間特徴

環境情報科学47巻 (2018年) 3号


研究論文 西苑園林における扁額からみた建築群機能類型別の庭園空間特徴

蘇 暢*・馬 嘉**・章 俊華* (*千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科/** 北京林業大学園林学院 )

テーマ: -
カテゴリ: 投稿

This study verify the characteristics of Empress owned Garden 「Xiyuan garden」by defining the space arrangement and function of the architecture groups and analyzing the meaning of 「Horizontal tablets」. The architectural groups in「Xiyuan garden」were categorized by function into four groups. The study carried out the cluster analysis using the data of meaning in Horizontal tablets and made the deep discussion. As a result, The Horizontal tables are divided into 3 groups and Each function group of architecture group have the special ratio. Also, the Different group of Horizontal has the different ratio and spatial distribution characteristics in different types of Architecture groups. The finding in the study show that understating of the Horizontal tables help study the feature of Garden space characteristics in architecture groups by digging deeper traditional garden space meaning.

empress garden, Xiyuan Garden, Architecture Group, function, meaning of Horizontal tablets, Garden space feature characteristics
