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ホーム > 環境情報科学 > 47巻 (2018年) > 3号 > 研究論文 積雪寒冷地におけるゼロエミッション型エネルギー地産地消モデルの構築

環境情報科学47巻 (2018年) 3号


研究論文 積雪寒冷地におけるゼロエミッション型エネルギー地産地消モデルの構築

田島洋輔*・松嶋健太** (* 日本大学理工学部 まちづくり工学科/** 株式会社建設技術研究所 東京本社地球環境センター )

テーマ: -
カテゴリ: 投稿

In Hokkaido, Japan, fossil-fuel consumption increases in the winter months as the consumers require energy for heating. This increased energy usage boosts CO2 emissions per person to approximately 1.28 times the national average (2012). Therefore, constructing a low-carbon-fuel society based on Hokkaido’s own characteristics is a challenging task. To pave the way for sustainable urban development with renewable energy, this study explores the characteristics of the climate and industries unique to Hokkaido. The proposed system utilizes the cold energy obtained from largely existing snow and ice and/or the biomass energy obtained from the feces and urine of livestock. This study also proposes and examines a local production-and-consumption model of zero-emission energy that simultaneously intends to secure economy in livestock farming. As a result, it clarified the important production of (1) Realized in annual balance of energy, (2) Contribute to suppression of CO2 emissions and waste utilization, (3)Economic improvement is necessary.

Snow-covered cold regions,Dairy farm,Zero-emissions,Local production-and-consumption of energy,Renewable energy
