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ホーム > 環境情報科学 > 47巻 (2018年) > 2号 > 研究論文 ガイドの有無によるまち歩き体験と地域の生活への眼差しの差異

環境情報科学47巻 (2018年) 2号


研究論文 ガイドの有無によるまち歩き体験と地域の生活への眼差しの差異

地本真菜*・山本 清龍**・木下 勇* (*千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科環境造園学専攻/**東京大学大学院農学生命科学研究科(前岩手大学農学部))

テーマ: -
カテゴリ: 投稿

This study treats Morioka city as a case study area and aims 1)to grasp the differences in the awareness and the quality of experience between guided and non-guided walkers in the town area, and 2)to consider the way how to introduce tourists’ viewing direction for local community lives while walking into tourism experience. As a result, the intention of walkers differed such that efficiency was expected by guided walkers and time consumption by non-guided. However, walking in living space was expected by both walkers in the traditional townhouse area. It is thought to be useful to take the tranquility and the complexity of town into account when the viewing direction for local community lives is introduced into tourism.

guide, viewing direction, efficiency, time consumption, Morioka, questionnaire
