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ホーム > 環境情報科学 > 47巻 (2018年) > 2号 > 研究論文 福島原子力発電所事故由来放射線の除染対策の類型化-除染実施時期に着目して

環境情報科学47巻 (2018年) 2号


研究論文 福島原子力発電所事故由来放射線の除染対策の類型化-除染実施時期に着目して

福田昌代*・野田勝二** (* 千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科 現:坂戸市役所/** 千葉大学環境健康フィールド科学センター )

テーマ: -
カテゴリ: 投稿

We examined the progress of decontamination using a questionnaire survey and analyzed the relation between the results and each area’s characteristics, population and radiation level using cluster and principal component analyses to arrive at the accomplishment decontamination caused by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident, as the area for conducting survey for radiation levels. In the relation to the area characteristics and decontamination, population and a percentage of children population correlated with the time of start of decontamination, we presumed area characteristics to be a factor affecting the progress of decontamination. In the categorizing by the time of start decontamination, we were able to classify into four categories according to the time of start of decontamination and decontaminating each facilities, nursery center, school etc., at the same time or setting priorities.

environment pollution, correlation analysis, cluster analysis, principal component
